Yug Rajani

Software Engineer


Currently pursuing a Master’s in Computer Science at Northeastern University’s Khoury College of Computer Sciences in Boston, I’m a dedicated CS graduate student driven by continuous skill exploration.

Experienced in software development and problem-solving, I quickly adapt to new tech. Proficient in Java, Python, OOP, Data Structures, and Algorithms, I emphasize clean code through best practices.

Beyond studies, I have contributed as a Research Assistant at the NU WiNS Lab, analyzing 5G mm wave data in Boston, and engaged as a Teaching Assistant, helping students comprehend Database Design concepts.

As a former Software Engineer at Crest Data Systems Pvt. Ltd., I successfully delivered software solutions meeting clients’ needs, honing my collaborative and independent problem-solving skills. I also mentored interns in Elasticsearch, guiding their professional development.

Eager for growth, I’m actively seeking Software Development Engineer (SDE) internship/co-op roles for Summer 2024. If you know any relevant positions or wish to connect, please reach out.

Feel free to browse my resume here or download the PDF here. And hey, if you’re up for it, let’s catch up over coffee – my treat!